NET SET EXAM website is designed to help to aspirants, who are preparing for NET EXAM conducted by NTA behalf of UGC and SET EXAM conducted by UGC Accredited agency like psc, vyapam, university behalf of state govt.
Exam Pattern , Syllabus and previous year cut-off of UGC-NET, CSIR-NET & SET exams are given in NET SET EXAM website.
Online Test of Paper I (General Paper) for UGC-NET/all states SET exam given in NET SET EXAM app. TODAY'S TEST LINK section is given to get the test. There are separate sections to see the time table and rank of the test.
Previous Year Question Papers with ans key of all subject of UGC-NET exam (from 2004 to 2022), all state SET exams, CSIR-NET exam , ASSISTANT PROFESSOR exam , LECTURER exam are available to understand the exam pattern and level of questions.
Website Link of NTA, UGC-NET, CSIR-NET, CSIR have been given in website .